Body Brushing Cellulite - Does Dry Body Brushing Really Cure Cellulite?

Body Brushing Cellulite - Does Dry Body Brushing Really Cure Cellulite?

Cellulite is also known as 'orange peel' or 'cottage cheese.' This is basically the fat stored beneath the skin. Mostly women have it around the areas like thighs, arms and stomach. Very few men face this problem. Besides, people can have it irrespective of the fact that they are fat or thin. There are several means of getting rid of this problem. The only medically known means to get rid of this issue is a surgery. All other means help you control these fat cells but they do not finish it completely.

Here are some of the means that would help you get rid of these orange peels

* Body Brushing Cellulite: This is also known as dry skin brushing. Some experts say that this method removes these fats completely. It makes use of the natural vegetable fibers and / or the boar bristle brushes to speed up the lymph system of the body. This removes all the toxins from your body. It can help in curing the ripples caused in the skin because this technique brings up the nutrients & oxygen to the upper layer of your skin (also known as epidermis). The brush costs you around $ 10. While it is an effective medium in this endeavor, you should rather look out for resorts that have a permanent impact.

* Anti Cellulite Creams:There are several anti cellulite creams available online as well as in the markets. The best among them all are the ones made of acai berry. This is a wonder fruit from Brazil that has high contents of fiber, anti oxidants and healthy fatty acids. It is known to have no side effects and aids in anti aging as well.

* Diet:You must have the foods that help you get rid of the body fat. Acai berry diet supplements are utmost helpful. The other tips include all the essentials of a balanced diet like having lots of water, have fiber rich diet, avoid unsaturated and trans-fat, avoid sugar, etc.

* Exercise: Working out at least 30 minutes daily is very helpful in maintaining your fitness and maintaining your weight as well. It burns the excess fat and adds to your stamina as well.

Body Brushing For Optimum Skin Care

Body Brushing For Optimum Skin Care

Body brushing is one of the most economical and efficient ways to bring out the best of your skin. It also brings out the best of your hard working skin care products. Body brushing is good for everyone, including those with sensitive skin. Even babies can enjoy body brushing, with specially made fine brushes for their gentle skin.

Dry brushing will boost circulation; it pushes the body's ability to eliminate toxins through the lympathac system. This elimination process helps break down fatty pockets, responsible for cellulite.


By a body brush that is firm. Be sure it is not scratchy or too uncomfortable. Choosing a dry brushing product is a personal choice. Some of the types of body brushing products available are loofahs, sisal mitts, long handled brushes, and hand held bristle brushes. Available dry brushing products Use a loofah, sisal mitt, or long handled brush. Choose one that you feel most comfortable using or holding.


Make upward, sweeping movements, starting at your feet. Work up to your legs, thighs, buttocks, stomach. Go gentle on the thighs and stomach area. Brushing too hard on your thighs may break tiny blood vessels and create broken veins or capillaries.

Then move onto your breasts, shoulders, and arms. Remember to work towards the heart. Concentrate on your elbows, and use gentle strokes on your breasts. Choose a long handle body brush for your back. Your back is one of the most neglected areas on our body. Your back needs skin care products just like the rest of your body.

If you have sensitive skin, wet the mitt and use it in the bath or shower with a natural soap or soap free cleanser. The water reduces the friction of the body brush so it will minimize any damage.


Consider body brushing on a daily basis. Those who dry brush regularly do not have a problem with cellulite. Although we know that every woman has cellulite, whether they can see it or not, those who dry brush do not have middle or higher levels or "grades" of cellulite. Those who only occasionally dry brush do not see the benefits of a reduction in cellulite or overall radiant skin tone. Fit dry brushing into your daily routine and you will see a big difference on your skin, and feel the increase energy and vitality in your body.


After dry brushing, take a bath or shower to rinse off the dead skin cells that are lying like dust on the top of your skin. Some of the "dust" on the skin is obvious of the dead skin cells brushed off, but some of the skin cells and other debris cannot be seen with the naked eye. Use a mild soap or an awakening body wash like peppermint or any other mint. It is invigorating and intoxicating.

After a shower, try a cellulite body cream or oil. This is when the cellulite product works best. Since the skin is already invigorated after the body brush, your skin is working in overdrive right now. The blood is circulating and your dead skin cells have been brushed off. Any skin care product applied after a dry brushing regime will increase the potential benefits of your skin care product.

For dry brushing on a baby's skin, try a baby hairbrush used only for the baby's body. This way you control the spread of germs. A baby's hairbrush is made of fine bristles, gentle enough for them, and it works very well on their bodies. You may get a few giggles from your baby doing a dry brush so they will have even more benefits!

Circumventing roadblocks to healthy weight loss

Diets, especially fad diets or “quick-fix” pills and plans, often set you up for failure because:

  • You feel deprived. Diets that don’t allow certain types of food (carbs, fat, sugar) in moderation are simply not practical, not to mention unhealthy – eliminating entire food groups doesn’t allow for a healthy, well-rounded diet and creates imbalances in our bodies.
  • You “plateau” after losing a few pounds. There’s actually a second component to healthy weight loss: exercise. Often your body adjusts to a new way of eating, and it’s only with increased physical activity that the pounds will continue to melt away.
  • You lose weight, but can’t keep it off. Diets that severely cut calories, restrict certain foods, or rely on ready-made meals might work in the short term. However, once you meet your weight loss goal, you have no means of lifelong, healthy diet maintenance, and the pounds quickly come back.
  • After your diet, you seem to put on weight more quickly. Restricting your food intake slows down your metabolism – another reason why starvation or “fasting” diets are counterproductive.
  • You break your diet and feel too discouraged to try again. Just because you gave in to temptation and overindulged, doesn’t mean all your hard work goes down the drain. Healthy eating is about the big picture – an occasional splurge won’t kill your efforts. And again, diets that are too restrictive are conducive to cheating – when you feel deprived, it’s easy to fall off the wagon.
  • You lose money faster than you lose weight. Special shakes, meals, and programs may be cost-prohibitive and less practical for long-term weight loss and healthy weight maintenance.
  • You feel isolated and unable to enjoy social situations revolving around food. Without some practical, healthy diet strategies, you may feel lost when dining out or attending events like cocktail parties or weddings. If the food served isn’t on your specific diet plan, what can you do?
  • The person on the commercial lost 30 lbs in 2 months – and you haven’t. Diet companies make a lot of grandiose promises, and most are simply not realistic. Unfortunately, losing weight is not easy, and anyone who makes it seem that way is doing you a disservice. Don’t get discouraged by setting unrealistic goals!